Artists Exhibiting At Our London Art Fair
Here you can find information of each artist who will be showing at the next Roy’s Art Fair in London 2024, including exhibitions, achievements and sample works.
Emma Peers is an up-and-coming artist living and working in Leicester.
She received an BA (Hons) In Fine Art from De Montfort University. Since
graduating Emma now works at the artist studios, StudionAme where she
creates her work in a mix of different mediums including a variation of
printing techniques, paint, photography, and digital art. Emma’s work
has a strong reoccurring theme of feminism based on her own lived
experiences, which are shown through imagery of known objects and
artworks juxtaposed with depictions of stereotypical femininity and
sexuality. By integrating these topics, Emma creates a visual sense of
humour and sarcasm that fully encapsulates her personality.